Monday, January 27, 2014

Zap the Messes & Live In A Clean House

Zap the Messes & Live In A Clean House

Whether you live alone or you live with a houseful of people – small messes can make it difficult to keep a clean house. Some things can quickly clutter up your space and make it look untidy.

The trick is – finding ways to keep up with the messes. Believe it or not, there are some simple things you can do that will make a big difference. Let’s talk about some of the strategies that you can put to work right away.

It Starts (And Stops) At The Front Door

Think about the things that come through your front door and the clutter that accumulates in that area. Mail can be a real problem. Make it a habit to sort through your mail as soon as you bring it in. Put the junk mail where it belongs and create a special place to organize and store mail that needs your attention.

Are shoes, boots, jackets and umbrellas a problem? Take control. If you don’t have a handy coat closet you can use creative storage options. For instance, you can add a coat tree or a storage bench. Now days there are lots of pretty furniture pieces that offer storage and more.

5 Minute Room-Duty

Although you can’t thoroughly clean a room in five minutes you can do a quick pick-up. For example, it doesn’t take long to straighten a bed cover or to gather the things that do not belong in the space. If you will give each area just 5 minutes a day you will be surprised at the effects.

It’s a good idea to carry a tote or laundry basket with you. This can be used to hold anything that doesn’t belong in an area. As you move through the house you can put things where they go. This saves you steps and time.

Timing Makes It Less Painful

Few people enjoy doing housework, but when we break the work down into small tasks we find that most chores can be accomplished in 30 minutes or less. Determining what you can do in a matter of 10, 15, or 20 minutes can help you get more done. For example, even though you may not always have the time you would like to clean your home you can usually find at least 10 – 15 minutes a day. In that way you can keep up with many chores.

Multi-Task When You Can

Find ways to do more than one thing at a time. A good example of this is doing small tasks while you are on the phone or even when you are waiting on the microwave. For instance, you can put dishes away or wipe down the countertop. Laundry can be folded while you watch TV. Commercial time can be used for various tasks. If nothing else you can use the time to do a quick exercise or two.

Use these tips from Package From Santa to get a clean house in a hurry.

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