Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lots of Things to Celebrate During the Month of February

There are a number of holidays and events in February that you can celebrate with your children. The holiday may give you time off from work, but more than that, it gives you an opportunity of bonding with your children. If February is still chlly and cold, you can celebrate the holidays by playing with the children at home.

President's Day

President's Day is celebrated on the third Monday of February. Originally declared to honor the birthday of George Washington, it now gives recognition to other presidents. The actual date varies. For 2016, President's Day will fall on February 15. You can play parlor games with the children, such as getting to know the presidents. Prepare the questions and answer sheets ahead of time. Not only will the games help strengthen family bonds, the time spent together will enhance the knowledge of your children regarding the different presidents of the United States.

Valentine's Day

February 14 is Valentines Day. Why not combine President's Day with Valentine's Day and have a grand party with the family? You can spruce up the house with flowers and provide chocolates for everybody. You can exchange cards and gifts as tokens of your love for one another. Have each member of the family make their own handcrafted cards. It can be an enjoyable and exciting family gathering.

Groundhog's Day

Groundhog's Day is on the second of February. People look forward to this occasion since it is an indication that winter is almost over. You can have fun with the family by making a variety of crafts, such as making a groundhog from construction paper. You can also make groundhog masks. Decorating the house with groundhog figures and pictures will enhance the holiday spirit.

Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is considered as the last celebration before the beginning of Lent. It is the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. For 2016, Mardi Gras is on February 9. Some places celebrate Mardi Gras with parades and public dancing. There is a carnival atmosphere in the air. You can bring the family to watch the parades and join in the festivities. 

Even if the weather is cold, or if you cannot make it to the scheduled celebrations in your town, you can hold your own Mardi Gras party at home with the family, relatives and close friends. Set up a festive atmosphere, turn on the music and dance. Wherever you do your celebrations, make sure the family joins in. It's so much fun celebrating with your family.

Why not create your own personalized days to celebrate? You can designate a specialized holiday each month that will have meaning for you and your family. For instance, you might want to celebrate education one day during the month of January and honor nature during a day in February. The choice is yours – you can create your own customized reasons to celebrate and add those to your family calendar.

Keep reading the Package From Santa blog for more great ideas about ways to strengthen the family bonds.

Happy February!

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