Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Missing Christmas Letter

We pulled into the parking lot of the post office. All of my kids walked to big blue mail box. Except the one who was frantically bouncing around in the back of the van. I knew that could only mean one thing. Trenton had lost his Santa Claus letter. He came to me in a panic. I told him not to worry, I was sure we would find it back at home. We checked all around the van to make sure he didn’t drop it at the post office.

When we got home Trenton flew through the house like a tornado. I told him that if he couldn’t find his letter to Santa that I would help him write another one. He just kept on searching the house. I felt sorry for him. I had already checked everywhere I could think of. I had no idea what could have happened to his Christmas letter.

We looked under the couch, in the stack of mail on the desk - I was running out of places to look. When my husband Drew came home he joined in the search for the missing letter to Santa Claus. He checked the driveway, the garage, and every inch of the porch.

Trenton sat on the couch looking as pitiful as a rain soaked puppy. I got out all of the stuff to make a letter to Santa. He said he just wasn’t in the mood to write another letter. He sulked off to bed. I decided I would try to talk him into it the next day.

The next morning he came running to my room. In his hand was a bright red envelope with silver and gold stars, it was his missing letter. He had put it in his stocking so he wouldn’t lose it and had forgotten. He could barely stay in his seat waiting for breakfast to be over. The letter never left his sight while he ate breakfast. After breakfast was over and cleaned up he tried his best to rush out the door.

He held tight to his letter until we made it to the post office. He looked a little reluctant to drop it in the big blue box. On the way he told me that he hadn’t really been all that worried. I smiled remembering his frantic search the night before.

Later that week the kids’ letters from Santa arrived. Trenton was so impressed that his letter came on the same day as everyone else’s. I told him to never underestimate the magic that can found at Christmastime. I was glad we had a happy ending after the missing Christmas letter.

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