Friday, October 31, 2014

Reminder: Enjoy Halloween But Stay Safe!

Enjoy Halloween But Stay Safe: Last Minute Reminders About Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween is a holiday that everyone wants to celebrate. And why not - it's full of creepy fun! Even so, unless you follow some simple safety precautions the fun may be missed. That's why the team at Package From Santa is sharing these last minute reminders about Halloween Safety Tips. Please take the time to read through them.

1) Trips and falls are common on this holiday. After all, trick or treating is sometimes done after dark. To help prevent this problem it is important to use makeup instead of masks. Also, ensure that costumes fit appropriate so they do not result in tripping hazards. Carry a flashlight for trick or treating in places without enough lighting. To help prevent falls from happening at your house you can take care that cords from animated displays and lights are out of the way or covered with duct tape or a rug. Also, make sure the walk area up to your front door is free from clutter or items that may get in the way of trick or treaters. If you will be using a candle in a jack-o-lantern, be sure the pumpkin is placed in a safe place, where it will not cause a fire or burn hazard. 

2) Trick or treat with an adult. Children under the age of 12 or 13 should only trick or treat under adult supervision. Kids should be taught to never go inside the home of a stranger and to cross the street at corners or crosswalks.

3) Make sure you are seen. Lighter colors are better choices for Halloween costumes. These colors are more easily seen after dark. Glow sticks can be carried or worn around the neck. These add a unique element to Halloween costumes and they make the trick or treater more visible. Glow in the dark or fluorescent tape can also be used to help make it easier to see your little Halloween creatures.

4) Candy inspection. Candy should always be inspected by an adult before kids have permission to eat it. Some kids have allergies to peanuts and other common ingredients in candy. And of course, there is always the chance that someone will give out unkind 'tricks' instead of treats.
5) Follow any rules or regulations. Some cities have specific timeframes for trick or treating. And of course, most parents have their own ideas about times that are appropriate for kids to be out. 

Remember, pets may need special attention on Halloween too. Keep them inside to keep them safe and never let your pet eat chocolate candy. Be considerate and courteous as you trick or treat and keep these safety tips in mind.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Halloween Fun

Halloween Fun: Decorate and Create Memories!

Halloween comes at a fabulous time of year. For most trick or treaters, the hot days and nights of summer have given way to cooler temperatures. Some people may be spending more time outdoors now than they did through the hotter days of summer. And with that, they may be getting creative in their Halloween decorating schemes. 

Some outdoor Halloween decorations may be rather simple, such as using only pumpkins to adorn the base of a tree or to line the porch steps.
But other people go all out; for instance, some may even include this monster-sized spider decoration.

Indoor Halloween Decorations

Indoor Halloween decorations can be lots of fun add a spooky appeal to your home. While you can purchase ready-made decorations you can also create your own. For example, you can make cute ghosts that can be scattered around the interior of your home. All you need is a box of white tissues, cotton balls, yarn and a black marker.  

Just place a cotton ball in the center of an unfolded tissue. Then wrap the tissue around the cotton ball and tie a piece of yarn to hold it in place. Use the marker to create eyes and other facial features. These little ghosts can be used to create garland or they can be added to plants or centerpieces. They’re quick and easy to make, which makes them a perfect craft project for kids.

Other simple to make Halloween decorations include using strips of orange paper to create 3-D pumpkins. Just cut the strips in even lengths, then position them on top of each other in a circular fashion. Use a stapler to attach them at the center. Then stack the pieces at the other end and staple those. The result is a terrific pumpkin that you can add eyes, a nose and a mouth to. Depending on the stock of paper you use and how close together you place the strips, your pumpkin could be used to hold candy or plastic Halloween treats. 

Whether you prefer simple or you decide to go elaborate with your decorations, the most important thing is to have fun! Visit this Package From Santa blog regularly to keep up with great ideas for year round fun! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Turn Ordinary Flower Pots into Works of Art

Let Your Kids Turn Ordinary Flower Pots into Works of Art

We all have them – those nondescript terra cotta flower pots that are extremely functional, but not very attractive. Although function is the reason we purchase them in the first place, we don’t have to settle for the unappealing look they have. And, the good news is, this is a fabulous craft project for kids – you can get them started and then turn it over to them.

Don’t be afraid to get creative – or rather – to let your kids get creative.

This is a great time to pull out your craft box and let imaginations go wild. 

Why not create your own masterpiece? All you need is some paint, paint brushes, and a steady hand.

Begin by sanding away any rough areas on the outside of the pot. Then use a damp cloth to wipe away any leftover dust or residue. Next, choose your base color. Acrylic or latex paint works great – in fact, you may want to purchase paint for outdoor use.

For complete coverage, plan for 2 to 3 coats of the base color. Now you are ready to get creative. You can add designs or paint scenes on the pot.

When the pots are fully painted they should be left to dry. This may take several hours so it is best to leave them overnight. Complete the project with 2 to 3 coats of a water-based polyurethane sealant.

For a different look you can glue decorative items onto the pot. For instance, you can use yarn, lace, buttons, or pieces of felt to create a pleasing design. 

Even basic flower pots can become interesting pieces of art. Not only will you have fun with this project, in the end you and your kids may create something that will be cherished for years to come. 

This Package From Santa blog provides tips and ideas about everything from home décor to craft projects, holiday advice, and much more.