Sunday, June 29, 2014

Make Your Summmer Party Special

Make Your Summer Party Special

Have you ever wondered how you can turn a typical backyard party into something memorable – a party that will stand out as being unique and one-of-a-kind? We have you covered! Consider the idea described below.

Many retailers look for unique ways to get customers in their doors – especially during ‘off seasons’. During the summer months most families are focused on things like vacations and on getting ready for the next school year. Sales can be down for things like furniture and appliances. With that in mind some merchants offer sales – some even have “Christmas In July” sales. 

You can probably see where this is going; why not have a Christmas In July party? The kids will love it! 

 Give Some Gifts

You can ask each parent to bring a kid’s gift to be exchanged or they can bring gifts for their own kids. The important thing is to have at least one gift for each kid. Of course, if the budget allows, you can purchase gifts for each child that will be attending. To make this option affordable you may want to consider some of the items available at your local dollar store. 

Since the weather is warm, it is likely that you will have the party outdoors. This makes gifts for the outdoors a perfect solution. Look for items that will give the kids something to do. For instance, you could buy bottles of bubbles, water guns, jump ropes, inflatable pool toys, and other inexpensive outdoor items for the kids.

Let’s face it – everyone likes gifts, no matter how old they may be. You can also give gifts to the adults at your party. Keep it simple. Consider things like homemade salsa or fudge. If you’re not into the homemade thing you could give candles, key rings, or other inexpensive items.


It just wouldn’t be a Christmas party without some decorations. Of course, you probably don’t want to drag out all your Christmas stuff, but you could add a few strands of lights around your outdoor trees, shrubs and deck railings. You can find strands of solar lights that can be used year-round to add ambiance to your outdoor living space.

Simple wreaths can be hung and decorated. And if you’re lucky enough to have an evergreen tree in your yard you can make simple decorations from construction, artificial flowers, and other items.


Every party needs to include some food. While you might opt to go with a traditional backyard barbeque meal that includes items cooked on the grill, you could also add a great dessert that adds a look of Christmas. For example, you could have Red Velvet cake or a cake with white frosting that is topped off with fresh strawberries.

The idea is to have a party that is lots of fun for everyone. Use your imagination and get creative. And please, share your ideas with everyone here at Package From Santa!

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Making Food Fun from Start to Finish

Making Food Fun from Start to Finish

Getting kids to eat right is something every parent works at. But sometimes the process is not so easy. Kids can be picky and they may not want to eat what is prepared. The good news is, there are ways to combat this situation. Keep reading for some ideas that you can use right away.


If there’s one thing kids enjoy eating, it’s a meal that comes in-between meal times. You got it – most kids prefer snacks over actual meals. Fortunately, there are plenty of healthy snack options you can offer. For instance, take a look at the “Flower Salad” below. What kid wouldn’t enjoy this nutritious snack?

 Start at the Beginning

One way to get kids interested in eating right is getting them in on the food ideas from the start. That is, take the kids with you to the grocery store or farmer’s market. Teach them about choosing fresh and healthy foods. Sometimes kids can surprise you with the things they are interested in. The reality is, your kids have probably learned something about healthy food choices at school. Food shopping helps reinforce what they already know. 

 Make Food Preparation a Family Affair

Cooking can be fun and it can be educational. Why not include the kids in meal preparation? This is a great way to teach kids some basic cooking skills while also having an opportunity to spend quality time together. The whole family can get involved.
 Getting your kids to eat right isn't that difficult, but it can require a little effort. Try these strategies - your entire family might develop better eating habits and as a bonus, the time you spend together will strengthen family bonds!

Debbie Allen is a regular contributor to this Package From Santa blog. She writes about everything from home life and lifestyles to business topics.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Summer Time Fun!

Summer Time Fun!

Kids love summer time fun and we’re betting you do too. 

The summer months are a great time for fun – especially for outdoor fun and time with friends and family. In hopes that the summer is filled with fun for you and your family, the team at Package From Santa is offering this post. It shows kids having fun in some very simple ways.
Camping out is always fun – whether it happens at a resort, in the wilderness, or in your own backyard. A few simple preparations is all it takes to ensure a good time for all!

Bubble Fun
Bubbles are fun for everyone. Kids naturally develop their own games – seeing who can make the biggest bubble or which bubble will last the longest.

Child Splashing Water And Bubbles In Wash Tub
This is another kind of bubble fun!

Little girl ready for summer vacation
Why not plan a little time away from home? Even a day at the park can be lots of fun. Let the kids help with the plans and preparations.

Kid hands holding tomatoes
Backyard fun can include simple pleasures that are beneficial in multiple ways. For instance, taking the time to grow something beautiful or edible can be fun, but it also adds beauty, provides something to eat, and it can be educational.

Young  Cardinal bird on the feeder
Watch the birds and the bees. This might sound silly, but it’s a great learning experience and it could develop into a lifelong hobby.

Boy On Swing
Swing your cares away! The backyard swing set can provide hours of fun and entertainment.

No matter how you choose to have fun this summer, please keep safety in mind.

This Package From Santa blog is designed to provide ideas for everything from fun activities and kids’ health to home décor and furnishings that make life easier. Keep visiting for more ideas and tips!