Why Bedtime Routines Are Important
At one time or another every parent has experienced times
when their child did not want to go to bed. This can result in drama that is
unpleasant to deal with. Perhaps this is an issue on Sunday nights. When it
comes to enforcing bed times many parents are more relaxed on Friday and Saturday
nights. After all, most kids are able to sleep-in on Saturday and Sunday
But when Sunday night rolls around problems can develop. Perhaps
you recently dealt with a bedtime battle situation. Kids may find it difficult
to understand why they should go to bed earlier one night than they did on
another. In some cases you may deal with tantrums or other displays of
frustration. So what can you do to avoid such problems in the future? The
solution is a simple one – you need to establish bedtime routines.
Bedtime Routines Are About Behaviors and Actions
While it is good to keep a consistent bedtime it is even
better to develop a bedtime routine.
A bedtime routine may start long before it is actually
bedtime. For instance, if your kids go to bed at 8:30 pm you may want to start
the routine as early as 7 pm. Perhaps it starts with something like picking up
toys from the floor, followed by bath time.
After the bath you will probably
want your kids to brush their teeth. Then it may be time to watch a bit of TV,
color a page in a coloring book, or maybe you will read a story to your kids. Other
bedtime routines can include saying prayers, taking any needed vitamins or
medications, laying out clothes and supplies for the next day, or tending to
the needs of a pet.
Benefits of Bedtime Routines
An established bedtime routine helps prepare the child for
sleep. Kids become accustomed to the predictive nature of taking their bath,
then having a story read to them, and then falling asleep.
However, you should offer some built-in choices that make
the routine more personalized and enjoyable for your child. For instance, you
can let your kids choose the pajamas they will wear and let them decide which
story you will read.
Top Bedtime Routine Tips
- Keep bedtime consistent – even on weekends and during times off from school.
- Similarly, do not stray too far from a regular time for your kids to get up.
- Provide your child with a favorite stuffed animal or a special blanket. This can help him/her feel more secure when you leave the room.
- A special night light can be a wonderful addition to any child’s room. It can add a comforting feeling for the child and make the room safer for everyone. It also makes it easier when you check in on the little one throughout the night.
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