Letters from Santa all but guarantees a Christmas of great magnitude. This news, the outcome of many, many years of tracking responses of both, children’s and adults’ reports of the effects and impacts of receiving a genuine letters from Santa. “Package From Santa” has gathered and tracked data relating to Santa Claus, his letters, and Christmas, for several years and is now sharing this groundbreaking report. See for yourself at http://lettersfromsanta.org/ .
So far this is the widest reaching and most long-term study of the impact of Santa’s holiday letters. The study strongly suggests that there is a definite connection between a ‘Merry & Memorable Christmas’ for children (as well as adults) and Santa’s letters.
The tracking consisted of years of studying the feedback given in notes, letters, emails, and even text messages to Santa and to “Package From Santa”, as the top Santa helpers with his letters. Gazillions of various types of feedback was sorted and categorized into the following groups: “Letter Had No Impact On Christmas”, “Letter Somewhat Brightened Christmas”, Letter Made Christmas Merrier”, “Letter Made Christmas Merrier & More Memorable”.
Personalized Santa Letters
Approximately 77% of the responses fell into the last category and only 5% reported that Santa’s letters had no impact on Christmas. Even with the great number of responses there is no way of knowing what the results would have been if everyone had provided feedback. However, research has shown that people are more likely to provide negative feedback than positive, so one can only assume that there would have been even higher results in the positive categories.
Typically, children reported that when Santa Claus sends letters to them they feel important and they know they will get what they really want for Christmas. Some little boys and girls expressed that a Santa letter gave them some relief from worry about being on Santa’s Naughty List.
Adults’ feedback often referred to a particular childhood Christmas that held special meaning – which was directly or indirectly related to Santa’s letter. Most reported that they still kept that cherished letter as a wonderful keepsake of an enchanted Christmas. Additionally, many reported that even as an adult, Santa’s letters are treasured, as they not only brighten the present time but they also bring back those wonderful memories.
Santa Letters
Children everywhere deserve a letter from Santa, and “Package From Santa” is working hard to make that a reality. Their goal is for every little boy and girl to have the Merriest Christmas ever.
For additional information about how to receive an authentic letter from Santa, visit http://www.packagefromsanta.com