Monday, December 2, 2013

The Countdown Is On!

The Countdown Is On!

Now that December is here you can be sure that kids everywhere are counting the days until Santa will arrive. Christmas countdown calendars are a fun way to track the time.

Countdown Calendars Add To the Fun

There are all kinds of countdown calendars you can use – you can use a regular calendar or choose the free personalized Christmas countdown calendar from Package From Santa. It’s a colorful advent calendar that will help build the anticipation related to Santa’s upcoming visit. This is a great piece to hang on your refrigerator or other prominent place.

DIY Countdowns

You can make your own DIY countdown calendar in a variety of ways. One idea is to use a collection of small gift bags (for those that are crafty, hand-sewn bags can be used).

Label one bag for each day and attaching the bags to a length of yarn or twine. Small gifts can be added to each of the bags and as the days arrive your children can enjoy the gifts.

Another idea is to use small gift boxes – for instance, the size that might be used for jewelry or other small items. And finally, you could use the plastic, stackable drawers that are often available at dollar stores and budget discount stores. These can be decorated and labeled and the daily gifts can be added to the drawers.

No matter which style you choose, your kids are sure to enjoy a Christmas countdown calendar!

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