Friday, November 6, 2009

A Santa Here, A Santa There?

Years ago kids had to wait for that special day when Santa came to town to sit on his lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas….do you remember that – it was a special weekend when Santa came to town. Kids often stood in a long line waiting for their turn to talk to Santa, to tell him what they really wanted for Christmas, to remind Santa about the special letter they sent to him. Santa would sometimes ask that scary question, “Have you been good this year,” which was terrifying for some of the kids to think about.

Times have changed, nowadays there’s a Santa Claus in every mall or in front of nearly every store during the holiday season. How do you explain that to young children? There is supposed to be one Santa that comes to town to see who has been good or bad and now they are everywhere.

You take the kids anywhere during the holidays and there is Santa Claus everywhere. I think this makes Santa look cheap and fake. It’s no wonder that so many kids stop believing in Santa at an early age. Christmas is supposed to be filled with magic for kids and Santa Claus is a big part of that. His magic is that he lives in the North Pole and he travels around the world in one night, delivering presents to all the boys and girls all over the world.

Doesn’t having all of these unnecessary Santa’s everywhere take some of that magic away?

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